How To Get Voice Filters For Your Snapchat Videos

Snapchat is filled with tricks to help make your snaps awesome and better than the rest. Once such trick is the ability to add voice filters to your Snap videos. You can change your voice to a dog, cat, an elderly person, or even Darth Vader. In this article, we explain how to add voice filters to you Snapchat videos.

How To Add Snapchat Voice Filters To Your Videos

  • Firstly, make a Snap (it must be a video that has a voice).
  • Then, click the voice filter icon to apply a sound effect (The Speaker button in the bottom left corner near the save button).
  • Once you tap the filter icon,  a list of voice filters appears.
  • Lastly, choose the desired voice filter.

Other Snapchat Tutorials to read:

Be sure to double check the snap before you save it. Once you save it, you cannot edit the filter. Once done, send or upload your Snap to your friend or stories feed. Check out the below YouTube video for a visual walkthrough.

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