How To Turn On Intelligent Scan On Samsung Galaxy S9

Intelligent Scan allows you to use your face and eyes to unlock your Samsung Galaxy S9. By default, you may unlock your Galaxy S9 using facial recognition, iris scanning or fingerprint scanning. However, when you turn on Intelligent Scan on Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphones, you use a combination of both iris and face recognition.

how to turn on intelligent scan on Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9 Intelligent Scan.

How To Set Up Intelligent Scan On Samsung Galaxy S9

  • Firstly, Open the Settings app to gain access to the intelligent scan feature.

open settings app to access intelligent scan on Samsung Galaxy S9

  • Then, tap on Lock Screen and Security.

Be sure to read:

go to lock screen and security to locate intelligent scan

  • Then, under Biometrics, tap Intelligent Scan. However, if you do not have a PIN number set up, the S9  prompts you to create one.

Also, read:

under biometrics you ought to see intelligent scan

  • Once the verification screen appears, tap Continue.

tap continue on the intelligent scan verification screen

  • Then, register your face. Hold your phone 8 to 20 inches away and tap ContinueEnsure that you center your face in the circle on-screen.

Also, read:

  • Once complete, register your irises. I recommend doing this step in-doors. The Galaxy S9 may prompt you to remove contacts and glasses, however, this is not completely necessary in the case of contacts.

register your face with intelligent scan

  • Make sure to center your eyes in the on-screen circles.
Also, read:
  • Then, turn on Intelligent Scan after registering both your face and your irises.
once complete tap turn on intelligent scan
  • Lastly, toggle on  Intelligent Scan unlock and Screen-on Intelligent Scan.

Enable Intelligent Scan unlock and Screen-on Intelligent Scan

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