How To Use Chromebook Function Keys

How do I use F12 on a Chromebook? Where is the end key on Chromebook? What are the Chromebook alt codes? These are all valid questions.

On the Chromebook, there aren’t any dedicated Function keys and the Caps Lock key. Hence, in this article, we tell you how to use function keys and shortcut keys on your Chromebook.

Function Keys On Chrome OS

The function keys range from F1 to F12. To use function keys on your Chromebook, you have to press the Search button and the desired number that relates to the function key.

For example, to input F8, you must press Search + 8 on your Chromebook’s keyboard. However,  the only exceptions are F11 & F12. To input these functions, you use – (minus/hyphen) and + (plus) respectively. Use 0 for F10.

How To View Keyboard Shortcuts On Chromebook

Luckily, Chrome OS lets you view a virtual keyboard. This virtual keyboard display all the shortcut keys/combinations. To view the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl + Alt + /

When you press the above keys, the on-screen keyboard pops up. Lastly, press any key to view its shortcuts.

Missing Keys And Their Chromebook Alternative

The following table gives the alternative keyboard shortcuts for missing keys in the Chromebook.

Missing Key Alternative Shortcut
Delete Alt + Backspace
CapsLock Alt + Search (Toggle CapsLock)
PageUp Alt+ Up Arrow (or) Search + Up Arrow
PageDown Alt + Down Arrow (or) Search + Down Arrow
Home Ctrl + Search + Right Arrow
End Ctrl + Search + Left Arrow
F1 … F12 Search + 1 through Search + = (For Function Keys)

CTRL Keyboard Shortcuts

The following list shows the Ctrl key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + 1 .. Ctrl + 8 Go to a specific tab in the browser (Ctrl+5 is 5th tab)
Ctrl + 9 Go to the last tab
Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom
Ctrl + – Zoom out
Ctrl + + Zoom in
Ctrl + backspace Delete a word
Ctrl + Tab Go to the next tab
Ctrl + W Close current tab
Ctrl + E Put focus at address bar for search
Ctrl + R Reload current page
Ctrl + T Open new tab
Ctrl + U View page source
Ctrl + O Open a file in the browser
Ctrl + P Print current page
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + S Save current page
Ctrl + D Add bookmark
Ctrl + F Find text on current page
Ctrl + G Find again (next match of input text)
Ctrl + H View history
Ctrl + J View downloads
Ctrl + K Put focus at address bar for search
Ctrl + L Select all in address bar
Ctrl + Enter Adds www and .com to keyword and open website
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + N Open new window
Ctrl + ? Launch chromebook help manual
Ctrl + Spacebar Previous language input method
Ctrl + Left arrow Previous word
Ctrl + Right arrow Next word

ALT Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the Alt key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Alt + 1 .. Alt + 8 Launch shelf items 1 through 8 (pinned items from task bar)
Alt + – Minimize window
Alt + + Maximize window (or reset)
Alt + backspace Delete
Alt + Tab Previous window (or application)
Alt + E (or Alt + F) Open chrome browser menu
Alt + [ Dock current window on left side
Alt + ] Dock current window on right side
Alt + Search CapsLock toggle
Alt + D Focus address bar
Alt + Enter Open typed URL/keyword in new browser tab
Alt + Left arrow Go backwards
Alt + Right arrow Go forward
Alt + Up arrow Page up
Alt + Down arrow Page down

Search Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the Search key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Search + Esc Launch task manager
Search + 1 .. Search + = Function keys F1 through F12
Search + backspace Delete
Search + L Lock screen
Search + . Insert
Search + Left arrow Home
Search + Right arrow End
Search + Up arrow Page up
Search + Down arrow Page down

Shift Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the Shift key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Shift + Backspace Go forward
Shift + Enter Find previous text
Shift + Spacebar Scroll up one page

Ctrl+Shift Keyboard shortcuts

The following layout shows the Ctrl+Shift keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + 0 Reset screen zoom (reset resolution)
Ctrl + Shift + – Zoom screen out (change resolution)
Ctrl + Shift + + Zoom screen in (change resolution)
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Launch clear browsing data dialog
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous tab
Ctrl + Shift + Q (twice) Sign out current logged in user
Ctrl + Shift + W Close current window
Ctrl + Shift + R Reload page ignoring cache
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last closed tab
Ctrl + Shift + U Enter unicode characters
Ctrl + Shift + I Launch developer tools window
Ctrl + Shift + O Launch bookmark manager
Ctrl + Shift + P Launch google cloud print
Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs
Ctrl + Shift + G Find previous text
Ctrl + Shift + J Launch javascript console
Ctrl + Shift + C Launch DOM inspector tool
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste as plain text
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle bookmark bar display
Ctrl + Shift + N New incognito window
Ctrl + Shift + ? Launch chromebook help manual
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Next language input method
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow Select one word at a time left side
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow Select one word at a time right side

Ctrl+Alt Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the Ctrl+Alt key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + T Open New Crosh Shell Terminal
Ctrl + Alt + P Projection mode for touch HUD
Ctrl + Alt + Z ChromeVox for spoken feedback (Text to speech)
Ctrl + Alt + < Previous Logged-in User
Ctrl + Alt + > Next Logged-in User
Ctrl + Alt + ? Keyboard overlay (for shortcut help)
Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow Home
Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow End

Alt+Shift Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the Alt+Shift key keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
Alt + Shift + = Center the selected window
Alt + Shift + Tab Previous window
Alt + Shift + T Put the focus on the toolbar
Alt + Shift + I Launch report issue dialog
Alt + Shift + S Launch chromebook start menu (on right bottom corner)
Alt + Shift + L Put the focus on the shelf (task bar)
Alt + Shift + B Put the focus on the bookmark
Alt + Shift + N Launch notification center (messages)
Alt + Shift + M Launch file manager

Top Row Special Keys

The 1st row on the top of the Google Chromebook keyboard contains the following 12 special keys in this sequence.

How To Use Keyboard Shortcuts On Chromebook
Shortcut Description
1st Key Escape
2nd Key Go Backwards
3rd Key Go forward
4th Key Reload
5th Key Full Screen
6th Key Switch between open windows
7th Key Reduce the brightness
8th Key Increase brightness
9th Key Mute speaker
10th Key Decrease volume
11th Key Increase volume
12th Key Power On and Off, Lock Screen

The 1st-row keys also can be combined with Ctrl, or Alt, or Search, or Shift for some useful functionality as explained below.

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + 2nd Key (back) Previous pane
Ctrl + 3rd Key (forward) Forward next pane
Ctrl + 5th Key (full screen) Mirror monitors
Ctrl + 6th Key (switch windows) Take screenshot
Alt + 5th Key (full screen) Swap primary monitor
Alt + 7th Key Decrease key brightness
Alt + 8th Key Increase key brightness
Ctrl + Shift + 4th key (reload) Rotate screen
Ctrl + Shift + 6th Key (switch windows) Take screenshot of selected region

One Response

  1. Barnes N. Noble July 30, 2019

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