Executive search firms – Executive job search

Searching for jobs can be frustrating even while having the correct credentials and work experience. Many people may find it difficult while searching for their specialist roles within certain industries. Having a specialist hub, or place to help you search for jobs can relieve the stress and help you progress your career furthermore with a more executive role. They can save you time and money with up to date news about current or new applications or job roles.

Apart from searching for the right job, it is always important to search for the next bigger job role. Executive roles can be quite difficult to find amongst most job postings through websites online and is a very patient task to undertake. Spending time searching for executive roles can be time-consuming and may take you longer to find your next job. To help ease the pain and stress finding an executive role, executive search firms can help you tailor your job search and find what you need.

Executive search firms

Executive search firms are professional businesses that specialize in helping those who require executive jobs in certain specific industries. These firms are bolted with large or small organizations throughout the world. Having these contracts can help your chances of getting an executive job quicker than normal. Executive search agents have a wide range of personal contracts between companies looking for all types of executives. 

As these roles are quite intense and need qualifying candidates, the hiring process can be quite intensive and may take several months to hire. The firm’s clients will carry out background checks, interviews and training. These tasks help the clients establish a good connection with available roles in the current job market.

At times, moving jobs can be quite stressful. You may have to migrate to other areas, towns or even, other countries but the risks involved can quite be rewarding. Although the rewards can be quite interesting, on the other hand, other members of your family may not quite agree. Staying in one place for a long time tends to bring that closure to the location. However, job hunting for the next best thing can help you in the long run in terms of a better life, bigger space and more friends. Let us face it, most of us start small and grow into our jobs. However, there are always times where we need the next best thing to jump-start our career and boost our motivation and success and sometimes the current job cannot provide the next goals we have in mind. Before applying for other jobs, always check whether you can progress your career within your current job. Sometimes if you don’t ask or enquire, you will never know. Sticking to the same company is somewhat positive as it does show commitment from your part and employers always love promoting existing employees with a great deal of knowledge and experience.

Executive job search

Most executive search firms nowadays have their online websites which are accessible nationwide. These sites are database-driven websites which allow you to specify and filter many options to help simplify your executive job search. You can filter the location, salary, executive job role title desired and even country. As these roles are quite competitive in the job market, full-blown job descriptions are presented as soon as the job postings are available. While there many job firms who specialize in executive job roles, some may be in contract with companies who are also contracted with other similar firms. Taking notes on every job you apply for is always vital to prevent you from applying for the same job with different agencies.

COVID-19 – Job Searching and Tips

Since most countries were and some still in lockdown, it is quite hard to search for jobs. The pandemic has set us all back and the majority of agents, professions and organisations have seized trading. Much of many events, conferences, meetings and much more have been suspended and many employers have asked their employees to work from home. This has also affected those looking for jobs as well as those looking for the next step in their career as mostly all recruiting in most industries have also been suspended.

Depending on your circumstances, taking steps to stay positive is key during this pandemic. There are several ways you can take to stay positive which can help you stay neutral to the ongoing situation. Aspirations, commitments and motivation before the pandemic will gradually lessen if you have a negative mindset. Staying positive and preparing yourself for the future after is safer for you, family and career.

Looking for a job now?

Right now, this very minute, this second, there are many people facing unemployment and will need to search for new jobs. During this climate, it will be a lot of confusion, demotivation towards finding a new job. Here are steps that you should take.

  • Apply – always keep up the job hunt as big and small companies may take your application aside for consideration at a later date. Some companies are interviewing candidates via video conferencing. Apply for various jobs with different skill sets that match yours.
  • Keep notes of every application made, responses even if there aren’t any. Use a 4-weekly reminder strategy that helps you remind companies for an update to those you have applied for.
  • Review your CV. Now is your chance to review your CV. Correct anything that needs correcting and add details about your last or current job.
  • Create a cover letter. Along with your current CV, create a cover letter that covers all aspects of what you want in your next job and why you are best suited for the positions you are applying for.
  • Other temporary income. Look for other ways of making the best use of your time that can help generate an income for you and your family. Use your skills and apply them as if you are starting a new business or venture. This will help boost your motivation, morale and support you during this time.

Keep a note of your new requirements such as job salary, industry, location and hours of work. It is quite important to note these down as some of these criteria may change due to the impact this pandemic has caused financially and mentally.

Create a list of companies you want to apply to on a spreadsheet and update them every time you make a move on any of those listed. Carry out intensive research about the targeted companies, visit their online website, take as many notes of each company you are targeting as this will help you in interviews in the future. Prepare yourself for company-specific questions that can be asked during their hiring process. Write down as many notes about the company, position available and why you are the best candidate. 

Searching for jobs can never be easier as now, everything can be done online using various online job agencies such as Indeed, Reed, Total Jobs and much more. Go ahead and register on these online job sites for free and create job alerts for your desired industry. Job alerts are quite important than you may think as they give you a quick nudge to start applying whenever new jobs are available.

Always be patient when waiting for a decision especially during this chaos. There are no time limits nor waiting for decisions. Once you are on a job hunt, you should be making many applications. Put your energy into the next application and never rely nor focus on just one application. 

If your job applications are unsuccessful, always ask for feedback from the employer or through the job agency if you went through this route. Getting feedback is very important as it helps you build on your weaknesses and avoid small mistakes you may have made during the hiring process.


It is unlikely that you will get any physical face to face interviews during these times as such, you may be asked for an interview via video conferencing such as Skype, Zoom or any other software that allows webcam video conferencing over the internet.

Always look presentable even if the interview is over the internet and be well prepared with prior knowledge before starting the interview. Keep the momentum going and keep asking questions when you can. The key is to listen and show that you are very interested in the position and that you are well prepared to take the next steps needed to progress on your career with the targeted company.

Employed but working from home?

Has your employer asked you to stay and work from home? if so, although it may sound like a walk in the park, it is not. Read ways of making working from home a walk in the park.

  • Speak to your employer and find what you need to work from home. You may need a computer, webcam (conferencing) and a telephone perhaps. These are all costs that should be paid by the employer as telephone calls, electricity can be all pricey when used for a long duration of time. 
  • Find out about any regulations of accessing customers data from a remote location as there may be rules in place that may have been put into place during this pandemic temporarily.
  • Find a room or even a small space at home and place a desk for you to work from.
  • Create a working schedule as you still need to have your lunch and breaks. Ask your employer of start and end times and a job list. This list must be feasible from home and most importantly, realistic.
  • As above, take breaks as often as you can to avoid fatigue and de-motivation. Keep a clock nearby and keep on track of the work you are doing. Keeping a log is necessary as employers may ask for this during weekly catchups with other members of your team.


It is very important to budget during this crisis as you may be in a situation where you may run out of money. As these times can bring uncertainties, it is always best to manage your money cleverly. Your income may be reduced during these times and it is not predictable when things will get back to normal. The fact is, you will be at home for most of the day as such, the consumption of food, utilities (electric & gas) can lead to an increase in your day to day expenses. 

There are many apps available for the iPhone and Android that can help you track your expenses on an hourly, daily and monthly basis. Alternatively, you can simply track your expenses using a spreadsheet. Both of which will help you gain more control over your expenditure and enable you to save more. 

A reduced income or, an increased in expenses can lead to a financial crisis and it is not ideal for anyone who is at home for most parts of the day. Read our steps to help you with ongoing commitments.

  • Arrange a payment holiday with your mortgage lender or Landlord. Ask them for repayment or rent holiday. This can be from 1 to 4 months depending on your current situation. The repayments that you miss will still be owed after. 
  • Contact your utility providers (electric, gas, telephone & broadband) and ask if you can defer your repayments.

Deferring your repayments for these ongoing commitments can help you financially. However, as these were deferred, it does mean that you may have to enter a repayment plan to repay the ower amount that was deferred. This normally happens after everything is back to normal.

Cutting back on expenses is always important. However, there are always some expenses that are crucial and unavoidable. Cut down buying in bulk during these times as you may spend all of your money at once. Try to cut down on expenses that are not needed, such as personal gadgets, takeaways, clothes, etc.

You must ease the habit of spending your money on things that not important than your normal living day to day expenses. Cutting back is never easy and a lot of people may find it confusing or difficult. You should always remind yourself that these cutbacks are temporary until everything is back to normal. 

Extra work

If you have no other work to do from work, try to dig into new ventures that can be done quite easily to generate extra income. Research online for other online e-commerce opportunities you could learn and undertake. You can always check our eBay or Amazon and sell stuff in your house. This will allow you to generate income and making more space in the process.

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