4 Useful Things That You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Could Do

Mobile phones have become so much more than just a communication device. With the advancement in technology and us becoming too dependent on mobiles, it has virtually turned into your sidekick, helping you in every situation. When talking about cell phones, I don’t think there is anything that takes precedence over the iPhone in terms of usage. There are certain ways you can tinker your device’s functionality so that you get the most benefit out of it. So, without further ado, let’s look at four useful things that you must know that your iPhone could do.

Customize Your Notifications

A thing that comes in very handy for iPhone users is the fact that they are able to customize their notifications according to their needs. For example, if you want to make sure that you don’t miss any emails or you want to know that you have gotten an email without picking up your phone, you can go to the Settings, then Notifications, and select the app whose notifications you want to change.

Track Your Location

You can track your location or the location of your phone using two methods. You can either use iPhone’s inbuilt location services feature, or you can also use a third-party app to get extra benefit. For example, if you want to know how to track kids iphone, you can browse over to the linked article. These tracking services come in handy if you are always worried about your kid going out, or you want to make sure that you can easily find an iPhone if you have lost it.

Give Siri a New Accent

One of the best things about owning an iPhone is that you get the best interaction app in the form of Siri. If you are a hardcore iPhone user, you might have also become completely dependent on Siri for your daily tasks such as setting alarms, schedules, or notes. Where you might be familiar with Siri assistance’s voice, you could actually change its accent on top of changing its gender. All you have to do is to go into Setting, then Siri & Search, and find Siri Voice over there. You can check out the new sounds and choose a new accent.

Make Screen Easy on the Eyes

The worst thing about using a mobile phone late at night or in the morning is the feeling of bright light blinding your eyes. If you are someone who uses his phone late in the night, you might want to adjust the screen so that it’s more ocular-friendly. You can use the iPhone’s dark mode feature, which makes it quite easy for you to use your mobile phone. You can go into Settings>>General>>Accessibility>>Display Accommodations>> Invert Colors. From here, you can either select Smart Invert or Classic Invert. Smart invert reverses the color of the display except for images, media, and apps, whereas Class Invert reverses the colors of the overall color of the display.



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