How To Counter Malphite

How To Counter Malphite: Malphite is a powerful (rock solid) tanky League of Legends champion. He is also one of those versatile champions when it comes to choosing a lane. Malphite can Support, play Top lane, and Jungle. You may also catch him mid lane. 

Also, while he is a tank, he does have good AP scaling. Hence, he has a lot of potential in other roles outside of Tank/Support. In this tutorial, you learn how to counter Malphite while playing on Summoners Rift.

How To Counter Malphite (Top)

An image of Malphite in his Mecha skin. This image is part of a tutorial that discusses how to counter Malphite in any lane.
Mecha Malphite

As the list suggests, an effective Malphite counter in the top lane, are champions that can be as tanky as he is. Most of the champions also have a way of negating or messing up his passive.


Malphite’s passive will never regenerate. Scrap Shield blocks his Q harass. Rumble doesn’t need Attack Speed and can easily kill him while knocked up.


  • Use Shen’s Q to permanently keep Malphite’s passive on cooldown.
  • Shen has HP regen and Malphite doesn’t. Use this to your advantage for sustainability.
  • And, Malphite has high mana costs, Shen uses energy. Hence, you have more chances to harass him in the lane.
  • Remember that Malphites Q uses a fair amount of mana so you can shield his Q until he runs low on mana.


Try to get at least one point in Cho’Gath’s E. Do your best to last hit minions while at the same time hitting him with the spikes when his passive is down. This way his passive resets every time.

Best Malphite Counters (Mid)


Use  Vladimir’s Transfusion on him whenever you lose health. It is an excellent harass that typically can break his passive shield in one cast at most levels.

An image of Malphite in his Shamrock skin. Image attached to an article that guides you on how to become an effective Malphite counter.
Shamrock Malphite

Countering Malphite Support

Tips & Tricks For Playing Against Malphite

  • As an ADC (like Jinx), avoid taking hits from his Ground Slam. It significantly lowers your attack speed.
  • With good reaction timing, you can flash away or use an escape ability to avoid Malphite’s ultimate.
  • Malphite’s ultimate deals AoE (area of effect) damage. Hence, it is wise to not group up during team fights to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
  • Malphite’s abilities use up a lot of mana. Use this to your advantage and out sustain him during the lane phase.
An image of Malphite in his Coral Reef skin. This image is part of a guide that helps summoners become effective Malphite counters.
Coral Reef Malphite

You now have a general idea of how to counter Malphite. Use the tips and ideas to formulate a strategy to take you team to victory.

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  1. Anonymous January 9, 2018

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